Fees Payment

Don Bosco Educational Society reserves its rights in all matters of finance, educational policies, appointment of the Staff , admission of the students, and the system of education. There is no negotiation on these matters.

The school fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid in monthly installments or in advance. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Pupils are charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls. Fees once paid are not refunded.

Fees for Class KG to Class XII will be received by the school through the Axis bank branch at Shillongpatty, Silchar and the fees of Class Nursery will be collected through State Bank of India main branch, Silchar. Fees will have to be deposited on or before 15th of each month, failing which a fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be levied on all payments.

Pupils failing to pay the fees for three consecutive months will have their names struck off the rolls. They may be re-admitted on clearing all arrears and fines.

Pupils joining the school during any term will have to pay all the fees of that year and the annual fee. Those leaving the school mid-session will have to clear all the arrears up to the end of that particular term including the annual fees in full.

No bills or reminders are issued. Therefore, parents/guardians should see that fees are paid on time.

Pupils whose dues are not cleared completely will be barred from sitting for examinations.

Don Bosco Educational Society firmly believes in quality education. The cost involved in providing standard facilities and trained faculty should be born by the beneficiaries.

There will be periodic revision of the fees structure according to the facilities or features added or escalation in the cost of things. There will be an average 5-10% increment in the tuition fees at the beginning of the academic year. Don Bosco School Silchar is fully owned and run by the Don Bosco Educational Society, Silchar Province. It does not avail any government funds or grants for its establishment, maintenance, up gradation or day to day running cost. The annual fees and other yearly fees will be revised periodically. The cost of new facilities or services added will be charged to the beneficiaries. Don Bosco Educational Society has definite development plans for Don Bosco School Silchar for the next few years, and so the school reserves the right to include new fees for the facilities or infrastructure added or revise the annual fees at the beginning of the scholastic year if an increment is considered necessary. The school also reserves the right to increase the fees to the percentage of increment that it considers necessary.

The parents are to study carefully the financial implications involved in educating their wards. Confirm your admissions only if your financial status allows you to support your ward till the end of his/her school education.

Any certificate or extract from the register will cost Rs. 50/-

A duplicate Fee Book can be obtained on payment of Rs. 50/-